Venerable Master Gawang,  widely known as Venerable Master Choygyen is a senior practitioner in Meditation and Tantric Healing Master. V. Master Gawang had completed 4 years practice of Tantric Healing practice in the jungle up in the Himalaya Mountain and 3 years retreat practice in Benchen Clear Light Meditation Center in Pharping under the spiritual guidance of Sangye Nyenpa Rinpoche and the late Kyabje Tenga Rinpoche.

Venerable Master Choygyen Gawang was en-tasked to complete a mission given by his spiritual Guru Tenga Rinpoche that he is to build a Monastery for the Orphans.  His work of providing a place of study and practice to young people of the Himalayan region, and to preserve the religious and cultural heritage of Tibet.


高僧 Choygyen Gawang,中文名字:全真盖旺,或者叫“快乐太阳”(Happy Sun),1985 年出生在尼泊尔朗格尔泽。他是家中的长子,有 6 个妹妹(其中 1 个 3 岁时夭折)和 5 个弟弟。当他还在母亲腹中时,一名从印度拉瓦尔萨尔来的高僧指着她 母亲隆起的肚子说:这个孩子将来注定会是一名高僧,会拥有众多信徒和追随者,他的一生会伴有神密的超强力量。5 岁半时在 Gelupa lineage 的佛教研修班。从童年到成年,读书期间他一直十分努力,成绩优异,仅用了 3 年 5 个月时间完成了甘丹 佛教大学(Ganden University Monastery)的本科学习,1 年后在印度台拉登修道院功读,哲学,艺术和佛教,通过广泛的学习 和涉猎,他更加深刻认识到什么是人生轮回。

学习期间,他因为身体出现状况,于是决定回到尼泊尔,在一户普通家庭寄住了 5 个月。这期间,他情绪一度低落,父母担心 他会因此荒废了学业,安排他回到家乡休养,并帮助他的舅舅(也是一名僧人)从事农务两年。然而他的身体状况依然没有得 到根本改善,父母很难过也很失望,以为他不会在修行的道路上继续深造。
